Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Can't, stop ,making ,things.................well I guess there are worse things to I could do. Both kids are home with Mono and I am having sympathy tiredness!!!!!! I don't know where I am taking these little paper mache ideas but they are coming out so sweet and it is kinda fun! Lots of messy ideas laughing in my head ready to come into the world....

Thursday, November 5, 2009

This is what I am doing when I should be cleaning or filling out applications or painting more. But it was fun and I think she is so sweet. It has been a long time since I posted but I have painted everyday getting stuff on ebay and trying to squeeze 1000 ideas into one day and that is never successful. I listened to this guy on NPR this morning he runs Operation Hope and was a wonderful speaker. He basically was saying we have to re prioritize and that the economy didn;t fail it was greed driven and that how we were raised the latest generation-as managers and not leaders. He pointed out the people who had IDEAS and developed them are the ones that change the world-that all too many times we just go in the direction that the crowd does in order to make money--instead of living our passion first ourideas and values first. Really made me think alot. It was one of those stay in the car moments