Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My new website, Melindakordich.com TOTALLY rocks!!!!  for that I have my wonderful old (as in we have known each other a long time, not as in we are aged) Mikki Morrisette-if you need a website she is who you  MUST see. Patient and kind and super eager for you to be happy!!!!I also ordered my promotional postcards-now I need to make a list-and to hand address or not?????  I like the idea of being a bit personalized..
and just for fun-look what I found in my yard!!!!
It is FINALLY spring

Friday, April 26, 2013

I am having a hard time deciding what image to use for my postcard!!!  However, I HAVE decided to use this on my bio page instead of a picture.  I am having so much fun-there must be a better word-delight-elan-joy-happiness-soul singing-to describe what I feel when I am painting and drawing.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

I am working on getting a website for illustration up.  An old dear friend is doing the grunt work while I sit back and paint and upload pictures to her.  It is exciting to finally actually declare myself an illustrator next step-promotional postcards to publishers!!!!!!!!

I have been applying to all sorts of jobs because of a panic after the sewer pipe had to be replaced-but all of them come back with kind rejection letters

but because secretly I don't want to work 9-5 for 900 an hour, I am sort of relieved.

and it makes me think I should just do what I do best......like this stuff
and really really do it
and so I am starting!!!!