Monday, February 25, 2019

Just found some old art in the basement...that was fun!I have been looking at ways to market my art and taking little webinars ( all which lead to the standard, now let me tell you about my online training..all this is a value of 1200. but today .you can get it for 899.) now, I really don't mind people doing their thing and making a living-but isn't value arbitrary?  I f I put a value on my art that seems outrageous to me, would I still sell it?  Would I sell more because of perceived value?  Should I make up content or make art that caters to an audience instead of making what I want to create?  Is that how one makes a living doing this?  It might be a really interesting experiment to do ...If one, for instance, did some fun paintings with inspirational sayings and marketed to a very select audience, I wonder what would happen?  But would I feel authentic doing that?  And does it matter....lots of questions....

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Something has taken over my brain and I have been making dolls for the last couple of weeks non stop.  Its been so much fun creating all these different little characters, painting them sewing and stuffing them.  I was actually gleeful for about 10 days loving what was happening...and then THAT thought came.....why am I doing this?  What am I getting from this? Why am I wasting my time?  Why don't I get a job? What am I trying to prove? Why aren't I painting? I am not a doll maker, what the hell am I doing???????  My brain-like everyone else's, has its go to tapes of self disgust that are triggered, at least for me, when I am in the zone and happy and then suddenly realize its not WORTH something I am not MAKING MONEY.....I am trying to just have the feelings and keep going..I listed a couple of these on etsy today (another mind trap-why aren't I selling anything? Why do I even try) and I will try just to let it go and keep working....and love that gleeful state just for the state itself