Thursday, January 27, 2011

I just can't stop painting ...I have so many ideas they are spilling out. I must remember to write them down. I like feeling this way..hope it continues...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Yesterday was suppose to be the most depressing day of the year. I concur. It is just so cold and grey and I am still inside playing with glitter and paints. I have an idea for a more elaborate cardboard glitter-house, but I am afraid I must move myself from the warmth of the kitchen, to downstairs where it is sooooo coldy, because I am truly taking over the middle of the house with all my art stuff..can't remember the last time we could actually sit and eat at the table...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sometimes things don't go as well as you want them too. For This is a good lesson for me because I have to constantly tell myself its okay not to be perfect-its okay to have an off painting where you think I will never ever paint another thing that actually represents what I set out to represent. So when I was disappointed with this one , I decided to just let go and try to learn from it what was wrong-I can't explain but my gut can. So I went in and fiddled. I still don't think its what I want but I feel better for trying....what did I learn...sometimes it just not gonna come out the way I want...and that's okay

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Got away from the saccharine for today. I am just getting such a kick out of my art lately. I don't know whats changed but something keeps me puttering happily along in my paint smeared apron!!! I was longing to do both a landscape and old ladies-how I missed my old ladies-so I had a ton of fun.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Okat I am spreading my joy by doing these. They make me so happy that I have actually been nicer to rude people during my day. Funny how art can do that to you. At the same time I am longing to do a barren landscape, or a portrait of a person in despair-perhaps I am trying to balance out the overload of sweetness that I have been living in this week.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Oh, there is nothing more fun then glitter and paper and paints-unless its spending five hours trying to find a way to record auditions at home and make them into mp3 files. Which is how I spent most of my day-but I did it!!!! And I feel really super techie-like. I am like a little computer God........this year I am trying to live out loud and just do things without worrying about far so good....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Standing paper dolls-oh they are so much fun and sooo fussy to do. I was trying to work out my husbands calender for the summer and felt really on top of it-sent an email with everything set the morning after I got the initial email-so there was his beautiful summer-in different colors for different shows and I felt so great about promptly and neatly doing this-then I get an email this afternoon that all those times had been booked-what do they do send it out so people can fight each other over it-what happened to the courtesy of offering a date and either booking it or not. MAN-it makes me crazy-so now the calender is all screwed up , and I have to try and make sense of it because four things are now cancelled and other people wanted him and I had to turn them down. AAARRRGGGHHHH..I think I may stalk the woman and stick my tongue out at her......

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1st-already I have this gut feeling that it will be a glorious year. Last year was ICK..this year I am going to celebrate
my artistic schizophrenia hence the two wildly different images. I found these gorgeous little frames in an antique shop some months age and am now on the look out for more-so much fun to be able to beautifully frame paintings. Tonight my husband is taking me to Billy Elliot -his gift to me for Christmas!!!! So I took down the decorations , pulled down the tree cleaned out the fridge and pantry painted and put stuff up on etsy and ebay-not a bad days work!!!