Friday, June 1, 2018

What if all your fears were knocked down and you lived in the moment,choosing what makes you happy, rejecting the old ideas the old crazy rules you imposed on yourself.  Started acting as if those old rules were nothing, wondered why they ever kept you in a prison, one you made for yourself and then remained miserable in.  I am having those moments and it is exhilarating and scary in a different way.  I wish I could bottle this so when I have doubts I could reapply this self awareness....
What if you choose to surround yourself with only the people who lifted you up and engaged and challenged and cared, and those that you run after begging for a crumb of friendship or notice became so unimportant....I am going to remember this, this is how I will live...and as I is unbelievable what shows up in your world to support you

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