Thursday, July 19, 2018

Re opened my etsy shop!!  Why, I imagine you asking me, if indeed you would, why did you let it close???  Because I never made that many sales??  Because you are an untalented wanna be??  Because someone may find out you are an impostor?? Or you were lazy..or you thought what is the point??

D. All of the Above

But guess what-I don't care any more..because bottom line I have a blast doing it AND when I do sell something (which I do) I often get the best responses to my work and it warms my heart...
To that end whipped out some fun fairies today, these are really, really small (2.5 x 3.5) and its a challenge to work that small.  So onward and upward!!  And tomorrow, who knows what I will come up with!!!

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