Friday, June 27, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

June 23, 2008
A second post on the same day. WoW!! I impress myself. Now i think I will head back to the paints and go for three..or four...eeeeeee. It is so totally beautiful out today and I believe a really cute younger man flirted with me at the coffee shop-perhaps he was just being kind to an older gal-but I prefer to to think my beauty and charm captivated me-its my story and I will stick to it. Eveyone give a moment of silence for the great George Carlin today-I will miss his biting humor.....I will recite the seven words for him everyday in honor of him (and because I really, really love to swear!)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A card I made for a friends iaap group-her end of year celebration-they had a lion theme-it was fun to do and made me think I should forge ahead with my book ideas-why should I worry if they publish-I will just send copies to everyone for Christmas
I planted three lilacs today and my back gardens are full of color-it is almost how I pictured it in my dreams-how cool is that?
Monday, June 9, 2008

June something or other-
All I know is this is the official first day the kids have off for summer and I not only got this done but a hanging angel as well. Tha sounds a bit odd, butt I am working on angels-and grandmas with wings-that are wall hangings and I did a really pretty one today-so maybe those kids won;t cramp my style!!!!! Whoo-Hoo-no more driving!!!!!!! I am free
8 x 10 acrylic on canvas board
Friday, June 6, 2008

June 6, 2008
Old church-abandoned and empty- that would make a great studio!!!! Acrylic 8x10 on canvas board
The last day of school for the whole family. I love this day it is so full of joy and excitement for the kids!!! All the 5th graders are graduating and dressed in their best, most of them I have known since kindergarten-brings a little tear to my eye. On the other hand I am so tired driving everyone around and all the end of the year events that I am looking forward to turning in early and sleeping late for the next few days-ah, age.......
If anyone has any ideas on how to market art, or where to sell it or any ideas in that vein-email me. I am trying to brainstorm on getting my stuff out there, I have a small gallery and I have done ebay-which I should get back to, but I am feeling I am missing some roads I could be going down.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June 2nd-or is it the third????
June already. Four more days of school..four more days of driving twice a day just to get the kids. WHOO_HOO!!!!!! Maybe-dare I say it -more time for painting. It has been rainy all season but that just makes days like last Saturday amazing-the whole neighborhood was out sitting and drinking up the sun-knowing the mowing and the weeding and the seeding and the laundry were waiting which made it all the sweeter.
and so with my thoughts turning towards rain and pleasure I thought of reading a lovely book as the drops trickle down on the glass and you escape to a new world....