June 6, 2008
Old church-abandoned and empty- that would make a great studio!!!! Acrylic 8x10 on canvas board
The last day of school for the whole family. I love this day it is so full of joy and excitement for the kids!!! All the 5th graders are graduating and dressed in their best, most of them I have known since kindergarten-brings a little tear to my eye. On the other hand I am so tired driving everyone around and all the end of the year events that I am looking forward to turning in early and sleeping late for the next few days-ah, age.......
If anyone has any ideas on how to market art, or where to sell it or any ideas in that vein-email me. I am trying to brainstorm on getting my stuff out there, I have a small gallery and I have done ebay-which I should get back to, but I am feeling I am missing some roads I could be going down.
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