August 27th 2008
I have spent all day in a little bit of heaven because I am creating a book for a friend and it is so much fun-I have also made a stuffed fairy godmother for her-it is featured in the book. So surrounded by every messy thing you can think of glue gun, sequins, glitter, paints ,paper, pens, color pencils, glitter glue I am happy happy happy!!! The only thing I have to do now is figure how to get text onto a picture, doesn't that SOUND easy?? It seems to me that all you would do is photo shop the art and start writing in the spaces you would like to write. Apparently, however it is easier to win eight gold medals in the Olympics than it is for the computer to work in the most logical way one can think of. What the heck????????????? Oh, this little guy I did yesterday and I learned a new lesson-I am so cheap I paint with as little paint as possible and it never works-when will I learn to squeeze out paint as though I were a millionaire?