Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mr and Mrs Cardinal-I love these birds-they shepard in spring and follow me on runs-they are sooo cheerful when it is cloudy and drizzly like today.....Just got back from a run at the club-it cleared my stupid head which has been raging with thoughts all day-not great or productive thoughts either..maybe its the grayness of the day...or my seemingly lack of time. I feel so energized now and want to race to the drawing board but I must pick up my daughter...and something for dinner...and put the clothes away-------

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I am having alot of fun with this-playing with a new way of seeing things. That seems to be stemming from an experience I had recently trying on a shirt. I thought this was such a cool shirt and I tried it on- bear in mind that I have huge body image issues-I know, I know, I hate the word issues, but there it is. So I came out of the dressing room and looked in the mirror and was appalled-I looked hideous, huge ,shapeless....I was so overwhelmed with hatred for my huge body..........and as the day went on a thought occured to me...could it be THE SHIRT-could it be cut so it fit me really funcky and it was not me at all-I quickly emailed my fashion diva friend who assured me that yes it was the shirt-that tall gals like her and I often try on things that were cut for shorter gals so the waist line hits us in a wierd place.........oh. my GOD!!! What a thought.........then I saw a short film I made four moinths ago and I looked well-thin........I would have never said there is a fat girl who needs to lose about twenty before she goes out in public...I remember how HUGE I felt and that is no relation to the do our beliefs color out world-what if we dropped them..what would I am trying it with painting and it is sooo much fun!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hey-couldn't help but try to get closer to the image I had in my head for this house-closer...I am getting closer

I looked at a picture of my little painting and then improved it-it never comes out like I think it should in my head-I am going back and just doing one colors for everything and see what that looks like-I have my thumb back not working perfectly but it will be better and better. It is so great to be able to type with two hands. I have missed blogging and I have missed painting but there just doesn't seem time enough in the day to do everything that is in my head....I guess that is a blessing. I have uge ambitious ideas and I want to get on them except my house is a pit after three thumbless weeks....oh, the sacrifice..I want a huge barn for a studio......then I wouldn't have to face my house....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


which is how i feel most of the time-but if i reverse my attitude about it- can't that be an exciting thing...cause when we are finished aren't we, well...dead

cast off tomorrow-oh the joy of hooking my own bra-of using capitals on the keyboard-of folding clothes and opening tubes of paint.................

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

couple of content old gals.........

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Because of my stupid broken thumb i am having a hard time painting and a hard time typing.......and, well, everything else...who knew how useful a thumb was? so i decided to go ahead with some experimenting with ideas i have been playing with in my head-icons of ordinary people-i mean really, who is to say what a saint is...i know i have met a few in my time

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Okay- two things have happened that lead to these drawings

1. broke mt thumb on the left hand-will be in a cast for at least 3 weeks-try opening a tube of paint with one hand...

2. saw a fab!!!! show at the MIA all drawings and ny hand was just itching for charcoal

so i think it worked out pretty well and brought my back to something i love