Thursday, January 11, 2018

On Dec 17th I woke up for the first time since my younger brothers death over a year and a half ago and felt I was part of life again.  Felt that I could breath and that the world was once more in focus-never the same, never as joy filled, never as bright but in focus again.  And with that came such great relief and ease of spirit.  Until that moment I think my spirit had died with his, although in grief you do not see that.  You do not see much, all you do is feel , and the feelings are something I would not wish on any one.

But that ease has given me a new outlook has shown me to DO WHAT I LOVE-regardless of outcome. To not care if it brings in income or that others may praise me or that I can label myself by my accomplishments. I now do the things I love because they fill me with joy, because when I am acting, creating art, reading a play, singing doing voice work I am whole, I am ME and that is, I think, the best we can wish for.

So here is my fav subject-old slavic women,working and living ordinary lives and leaving extraordinary marks on all sorts of lives-in humble pencil on a garbage bag....and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May you do something today that fills your soul, may you realize the blessing it is that you just ARE.

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