March 22, 2008
Easter tomarrow and it is snowing!!!! Our annual out of doors easter egg hunt will have to be indoors......I wish the easter bunny would come visit me. I used to love getting a basket-one easter, the bunny didn't come--we ran into mom and dads room a bit hysterical and mom told us we were the last stop and we had better go back to bed and stay there for a while or he would be afraid to come and deliver........and I STILL believed for years afterward and somewhere inside me I still believe in all that. I honestly have the same excitement the kids do.......the anticipation!!!!!!!
Any old way easter and spring and flowers (does any one else hate white lilies-I call them flowers of death) bring me to this painting today. I walked the dog for an hour and a half in the middle of this so I was very calm and unhurried, just as I felt the woman in the painting was...
This is an 8 x 10 gouache on paper-it will be matted and available on ebay at:
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