Monday, April 27, 2015

I just realized I was signed into the wrong gmail account when writing my last blogs. And they were good!!!!!!!  I have been fooling around with altoid cans and 3-d stuff which i am loving.  Then I got on an aceo fairy kick for a while.  Today I was bored of all that and moved on to portraits of women.......I love the smoking woman, she can out so well.  these are small but fun to do.  Getting details is har, I just bought a brush the size of an eyelash to do eyes and such.  It won't last long the way I am using it, but it works so great.

Spring is upon us and I am determined to keep moving -did my Insanity workout today and then walked up to the post office-so i hit 12,000 steps before noon!  Thanks to do more poractive things-like clean the basement...

Monday, April 13, 2015

Okay this is just one of the best times I have ever had in my life-and I am not kidding.  I have always been enamored of history, puppets and theatre-and after playing with altoid dioramas for a few years I woke up this morning and it suddenly hit me-Punch and Judy!!!!!!  that crazy duo that has been around for hundreds of years-I have stood in Covent Garden right next to the Plaque that declares the Punch and Judy sighted in the 1660s by Samuel Pepys.  See that is how much of a geek I am.  When reading Pepys diary (and if you haven't, oh what you have missed!!!!)  I almost had an excitement heart attack when I came to the mention of Punch and Judy-Why you ask???  I have no earthly idea.  Maybe it harks back to when I was in grade school and some marionette theatre would come every year and put on shows.    I can still feel the thrill, watching those puppets, watching the story, completely absorbed and lost in it.  It has been a secret dream to do puppet theatre.....oh, how many wonderfully impractical dreamy things I love to do--

so Punch and Judy-in an altoid can-with a back drop-now THAT was a GOOD day

Sunday, April 5, 2015

We had brunch with some very  old friends downtown, all I could think of was how darn expensive it was and how I didn't want to eat much.  Then someone asked me if I were happy. and that opened up a dam.  I guess I get so worried about what may happen, or what does not happen, that I totally forget to be here with what is happening now.  One of the gals was a cancer survivor and she had Lymphoma.  We talked about that and I realized how stupidly lucky I am and how I must I MUST stop dwelling in the horrids all the time.   Bottom line I am alive my kids and husband are great.  Every one is healthy and I am still creating-I have to live in that.....

So yesterday I did this quick sketch with acrylics ala 40's portrait painting....I love this style and I am finally happy with what I can do with faces.  I am learning all the time, and when I have a paintbrush in my hand I am so happy and in the now......these are things to cling to....

Saturday, April 4, 2015

I am always so sure I have the thing that will sell.  And it never is.  There is a place in life where you have to abandoned what you love to do for something that will make you money.  It is a reality.  I can sit and paint old ladies til the cows come home but no one BUYS  and if you don't want to end up pouring coffee at Perkins-which is the next idea -then you must find that which will sell.  Its a weird hard line.  I have been thinking about it lately, how we design our lives according to some arbitrary outline that others have established.  School-college-job-marriage-kids -retirement-death.  And in between is this everlasting race to become at least profitable enough that we don't wake up with gut churning thoughts of lack.   And when one is different, or artistic, or-I can't think of the word-different?  sensitive-longing for more-it is a hard hard journey.  I see all the spring break pictures of Florida and Mexico and I am sick to my stomach that my choices have lead my family to a severe lack-but is it lack?   I guess if my wants are bigger than my pocketbook-it is.  Lots of thoughts to think on this