This isn't finished-I am going to add a halo in gold leaf over the grandmas head-my version of an icon. But I like to stand back and look and study what I have done. Which is what I have been doing in my life lately-it is really strange how things seem to hit the fan at the same time-really making you look hard at things. Picking up old threads of my life that I have dropped and realizing they were a lot stronger than I ever realized. And looking at those that I thought were so strong which were not. What I have concentrated on and tried to support and that which has not served me and finding that I may be more important to myself in a calm way than I thought. I had such a wonderful coffee with someone I met when I was 16 and hadn't seen in years. This has been happening more and more in my life and it is really interesting and grounding. Maybe that's why I keep painting the past-it all leads to the present-and it can create something solid that I can build on.....
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