Sept 23, 2008
Is it Halloween or have they just heard about the financial crisis?? I don't ever remember feeling this unsafe in my life..and I have a total lack of faith in the leaders we have. It makes me sad. Today I got up and ran and did the things one does to get two kids and an absent minded husband (honey...have you seen my-insert anything you wear upon your body here-)to school and driving home I got this really icky feeling -as if nothing I do means anything.....it was just one of those things...I had an audition earlier and every one was talking about what they were in.......made me feel like I miss out-anyway I carried that gloom right with me and wouldn't you know it- couldn't find a parking spot,the cashier was a complainer and a gloom monger (apparently we should watch our kids because there are perverts and gangs and bad schools everywhere) Oh my GOD!!!! I know you attract what you think about but what if you are feeling bad about what you are thinking about and don't know how to change it. Maybe it was the angels telling me that the good news is I wasn't HER!!!! Came home and ate a salad-cause of course I also feel I am way to huge to live..but when I sat down to paint it felt so much better.......and even though I felt I had to paint SERIOUSLY today I really loved this little guy!!!
1 comment:
Mindy - I love this painting. I found your blog by accident. Hope all is well...Nancy in Oklahoma.
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