Thursday, February 21, 2008

Feb 21 2008
OH!! The one thing I did NOT want to do with this project is feel guilt if I can't get something up every day and guess what-I am sooooooo feeling it. Wrong!!! So I have been working on this peice and it is different and I still have some work to do but it was driving me crazy if I had to go two days without something............and I am feeling that am I doing it right thing. Well the fact is I am doing it and there are no "rights"-and who knows-maybe I am the only one following me..............oh, that is a here I am talking to my self.....which actually can be quite a healthy thing as I can take a step back here and tell myself to relax. So I will go relax now..or do laundry or take the dog out or clean the house or is full!!!

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