Feb 5th, 2008
What IS art?? I try to touch people, enfold them into a story....my friend and I visited a couple of galleries today (HI J-You're the best) and there was some work in the prestigious gallery that I just thought- HUH-...............What made someone decide this was ART-rather important art--who makes those decisions and why do we bow before them? I guess the older that I become the more I find myself questioning why I have let others tell me what is important. Don't we all have the right to decide what is important to us-what connects with our souls? When I saw a peice of fat in a fish tank years ago in New Yorks Guggenheim and then moved upwards to the AMAZING inner city school kids art show I was ..what was I..saddened..shocked...confused... that this kids 'art-which everyone was touched and moved and awed by -was somehow not as important as the rancid fat sitting in the main gallery. Just makes me ponder a bit...
This lady is in acrylic on canvas board 8 x 10. I would like to stroll in her garden for awhile, to be alone and safe within the gates, to be soul soothed by the flowers and trees and to find the sky.
You can bid for this on ebay athttp://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220199468627
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