Feb 24th, 2008
Did a little landscaping today-wish I could have been outside really doing landscaping. Hey, guess what? I broke down and bought some new brushes and low and behold I can finally get those thin straight edges I like. So much for being cheap. I would probably be oh, a huge famous artist by now if I had the right equipment and the good brushes and papers.,...oh, yea and then you have to die and then get discovered and your grandchildren will be greatful to you forever..and speak of you in awed ,hushed voices and keep your house the way you left it the day you dropped dead at the easel (Note to any future Grandkids-please have a cleaning crew come in after Nana dies so that you can maintain the illusion that I was neat and careful-also use my best 8x 10 in the obit)
This is an 8 x 10 on canvas board, It is done in acrylic and will be available on ebay at:
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